Updated May 26th, 2024, from Provincetown, MA.

May 26th's Favorite Quote:

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." – Joseph Campbell

Thoughts for Today:

Preparing for the week and looking forward to seeing Rachel Maddow tonight at the Town Hall interviewed by Tony Kushner.


May 25th's Favorite Quote:

"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." ~ Stephen King

Thoughts for Today:

I'm listening to Meryl Streep perform Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. She makes it seem so easy. Brilliant.

Had a lovely two-hour bike ride with our friend Jim to Head of the Meadow beach in Truro along the bike trail. Highly recommended!



May 22nd's Favorite Quote:

“I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.” ~ Austin Burroughs

Thoughts for Today:

We edited interviews this morning for the So You Have a Theatre Kid book. How exciting! Plus, we just booked interviews with John Rubinstein and Lesley Ann Warren. Can I tell you how thrilling that is? Lesley Ann Warren was the Cinderella of my childhood and the Miss Scarlet of my young adult self. John Rubinstein's voice was in my ear from my first year in college, singing "Corner of the Sky" as Broadway's original Pippin. His father, the famous concert pianist Arthur Rubinstein, played a concert at Indiana University in 1975 that sent me back to my freshman dorm room walking on air. What a lovely full-circle moment to connect with these amazing human beings and have the honor of asking them questions about their journey as artists.


May 20th's Favorite Quote:

“Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard.” ~ Jeremy Goldberg

Thoughts for Today:

Revving up for June which is, among many things, Audiobook Month. If you're interested in getting a copy of any of my audiobooks, I'm happy too hook you up with review copies. Just send me an email or send me a message via contact form HERE.

  • I've recently had the pleasure of narrating two new audiobooks that I can't wait for you to check out. The Fury Clock by Christopher Bunn is a comedy fantasy filled with over 100 characters that brought out all those voices I used to imitate as a kid (and annoy my family to no end). It was a blast to record, and I hope Chrisopher's crazy humor brings a smile to your face.
  • Then there's The Wish Thief by Vlad Glaveanu, a Young Adult fantasy that’s as heartfelt as they come. Voicing these characters was like making new friends, and I hope you’ll enjoy their company as much as I did.
  • And of course, there's my first narrated biography, Lady of the Army: The Life of Mrs. George S. Patton by Stefanie Van Steelandt. It's a powerful glimpse into Beatrice Ayer Patton's life that was an absolute joy and honor to narrate.

In return, a fabulous (five-star) rating or a good word on Amazon/Audible would mean the world to me. Your feedback is not just appreciated—it's essential. It helps me improve and paves the way for more opportunities to narrate more amazing books.


May 19th's Favorite Quote:

“Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing” ~ Laurie Buchanan

Where I am now: Andrew and I came to Provincetown on May 11th from our home in New York City. We will both work, create, and enjoy life from our beloved little fisherman's shack on the harbor during the warm months.

What I am working on:

James Kaufman, with whom I co-authored "Lessons in Creativity from Musical Theatre Characters" (Routledge, 2023), and I are currently working on two new books.

  • First, we are editing "Creativity and Theatre: A Dialogue Between Scholars and Artists" for Palgrave Macmillan. This book will have chapters by leading creativity researchers around the world on core or key topics. Then, we will have commentaries by theatre artists responding to the scientist’s ideas.
  • The second book, tentatively titled "So You Have a Theatre Kid," is a mix of guidance, interactive activities, practical advice, and insider insights into the theatre world for parents and kids to read together. We draw from various sources of information, most notably interviews conducted for this book with a wide range of theatre professionals, including Stephen Schwartz, Donna McKechnie, Danny Burstein, Joanna Gleason, Jeffrey Richards, Lucie Arnaz, Derek Klena, Sandy Duncan, Patti Murin, Marc Tumminelli, and many more.